The following people were kind enough to supply pictures and information for the site. They are denoted in the Picture Galleries etc. by numbers in square brackets [ ] as follows:

[1] Stepalong Shoes, Wollaston, Stourbridge

[2] Mrs M Wilson (Morgan)

[3] Sheila Barton

[4] Don Chapman

[5] Barry & Sue Roughton (nee Brookes)

[6] Bernard Harris

[7] Kingsley Conquest

[8] Sylvia Butler

[9] David Pope

[10] Terry Merrick

[11] John Hunt

[12] Ann Bowden (Bishop)

[13] Sylvia Wilson

[14] John Cotton

[15] Geraldine Griffiths, 1965-70

[16] Ian Wood

[17] Paul Sawtell

[18] Peter Knight

[19] Pat Grove

[20] Gail Read

[21] Stuart Butcher, 1980s

[22] Howard May

[23] The Stourbridge News

[24] Julie Gardner

[25] Chris Clift

[26] Mrs H Sloan

[27] Linda Gibson (nee Smart)

[28] Roger Prince

[29] Paula Hoke (nee Bray)

[30] Steve Whittaker, 1965-9

[31] Kenneth Bull, 1932-5

[32] Supplied from collection of the late Mrs Bourne, by Christine Harris (nee Price)

[33] Tony Norris

[34] Christine Powell (nee Hill)

[35] Geoff Burrows

[36] Mark A O'Neill, 1960's

[37] Paul Bissell, 1973-8

[38] Dave Payne, High Park, late 60s / early 70s

[39] Gill Thompson

[40] Karen Homer, 1981-6

[41] Celia Lane, 1974

[42] Steve Tromans, 1968

[43] Karen Mcdougall, 1984-9

[44] Karen Homer, 1980s

[45] Madeline Pargeter, 1950s?

[46] Steven Higgins, 1975-80

[47] Emma Gamble (nee Jones), 1988

[48] Sharon Brown (nee James), 1975-80

[49] Barry Moore, 1970-5

[50] Godfrey Partridge

[51] Lesley Evans

[52] Lisa Middleton, 1982-7

[53] Catherine Mary Konig (nee Austin), 1980-2

[54] Ian ...

[55] Michelle Baggs (nee Perks), 1980s

[56] Colin Wharton, 1961/2

[57] Jill Lloyd (nee Smith)

[58] Wendy Cowley

[59] Kevin Bayliss, 1972-7

[60] Derek Garrington, 1962

[61] David Jones, 1962

[62] Louise Squires (nee Murphy), 1980s

[63] Brian Harris, 1958-62

[64] Maureen Wasley, 1962

[65] Ray Drew

[66] Mandy Jansen (nee Hayden), 1970s

[67] Sarah Leigh / Edith Leigh (nee Norris), 1936

[68] Gary Halliday

[69] Stuart Langley, 1975

[70] Christine Clewes (nee Gordon), Head Girl 1961-2

[71] Mick Niblett

[72] Paul Whyley

[73] Alexandra Babcock (nee Owen), 1980s

[74] Richard West-Soley

[75] Tony Sara, 1980s

[76] Andy Gunn, 1973-5

[77] Anne Boden (nee Bishop), 1960s

[78] Kevin James, 1973-8

[79] Chris Best, 1964-9

[80] Carol Rowe (nee Hughes), 1956-60

[81] Janine Pingree, 1985-90

[82] Ken Johnson, 1950s

[83] George Cox, 1959-63

[84] David Harburg

[85] Kevin Jones, 1970s

[86] Michele Cornhill, 1980s

[87] Cara Rumsey

[88] Kevin Bayliss, 1972-7

[89] Miles Frazer

[90] Kevin O'Neill, 1969-74

[91] Julie-Sarah Richards, 1988

[92] Sandra Stevens (nee Murray), 1961

[93] Paul Green, 1970s

[94] Mick Rogers, 1950s

[95] Marguerite Paynter

[96] Vincent Wright, 1975-80

[97] Linda Buffey

[98] Pat Poole (nee Kennard), 1958

[99] Fran Davies

[100] Julie Skelding, 1970s

[101] Kevin McHale, 1960s

[102] Allan Holden, 1975-80

[103] Brian Moore, 1972-7

[104] Julia Barnet, 1970s

[105] Carl Mildner

[106] Geoffrey Tomlinson, PE Teacher, 1961-4

[107] Alan Fellows

[108] Carl Mildner

[109] Sandra Murray 1959-?


I would like to thank all those who have taken the time and trouble to contact me and supply material for the site. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


Paul Gardner         


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